Dead Days Tour

  • Tours: Monday & Tuesday throughout October & November
  • Starts: 6pm
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Age: 16+
  • Step count: 1000
  • Adult: £25.00

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For the curious and inquisitive, Bodmin Jail is thrilled to announce a second collaborative Paranormal and Heritage tour, 'The Dead Days.'  
Running throughout October and November 2022, this extraordinary tour will look at the rise of spiritualism in the Victorian period.  
The first part of the evening will find you taking a peek into the historical world of Victorian Spiritualism subculture with its mediums, specialist newspapers, pamphlets, societies and séances.  
Our award winning Heritage Guides will safely navigate you through the rise of Spiritualism throughout the 1800s as communicating with the deceased grew to fascinate all areas of the population.   
During the second part of the evening you will then experience a selection of spiritual communication devices yourself with our world renowned Paranormal Manager. 
The dead days have never been so alive.
Upon arrival - please wait by the 'Paranormal Tour' flag located within the courtyard.

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